Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sustainability in bowling

News in the California world of bowling has brought the closure of yet another bowling center, Tustin Lanes is on the block for closure. Sad news for those who have been loyal customers of this center I for one remember back in the late 80's bowling late night 10 gamers, Monte Carlo nights and I even spent a summer ass a employee when i was fresh out of High School. Do we mourn the death of yet another or do we continue on and find another to patronize? IF we are as a sport and a recreation to survive we must move on and fill the void by patronizing those who stay or less these brave souls will fall as well. The call to arms is made we must find a way to keep bowling going, not by throwing support just to an Olympic bid in 5 years but by real sustainability. We need something in place now so that by 2020 we will be on the road to recovery and true sustainability.

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