Monday, April 4, 2016

Building a better Bowler

Building a better Bowler
Building a better bowler isn’t a idea for a bad television series. Building a better bowler does take some determination and hard work. We will start with the body itself. You can;t compete on a level without proper nutrition. I am not saying that you have to be on a certain diet or take some expensive protein / super body powder drink. Proper nutrition can start simply by making sure you feed your body when it is hungry, don’t skip meals but again don’t overeat either. Good carbs (rice, oats , popcorn) should be eaten 16 to 24 hours ahead of time and for carb boost you should eat potatoes, pancakes, power bars with higher carb counts. Those should be eaten 4 to 6 hours before your sets. Be careful eating too much quick carbs can make you slow and sleepy. Fresh fruit eaten an hour before your set will give you an energy boost without the sugar crash like candy will.4 ozs .of protein a day will keep your muscles healthy, but vary the protein (fish one day , meat, chicken) so that your body gets the right combination.
Honestly, eating a bite of carb, one of protein, one bite of vegetable in that order will help your body process nutrients at peak nutritional value.
Practice practice practice. We all have heard that, but is important to do so. Make sure you vary your practice sessions . Bowl a complete game, next practice your spares especially your corner pins as those have a tenancy to get away from us. While in practice it is also important to get a chance to use your equipment by changing balls and lining up with the different set ups you may have in you bag. Vary your practice times to get different oil conditions and if you get the chance different houses. Finally if you get the chance to practice on a sport or Kegel navigational patterns by all means do so! It will make a HUGE difference in your game on the house patterns by making you much more accurate. A great way to get practice without the price is try to sub as much as possible. A great way to get real practice at no cost to you.
Workouts are an important part of building a better bowler. Lets start with the legs, a majority of power comes from the legs . Make sure you do exercises like squats, inner leg extensions and your quad lifts. This will help our balance and power by keeping your knee bend solid and balanced at the line. Bowling is a about strength but balanced strength . Long and lean muscles work better and have a smaller chance of injury. A great tool I use is resistance bands. They may not look like much but after a few repetitions you can feel the difference. Light weight work can help too but remember your not trying to bulk up but just gain strength and endurance. You will want to work all your upper body especially arms, chest , shoulders and back.
2 to 3 workouts a week will be a help. Always give your body time to recover and if it hurts you are doing too much. Some soreness is normal and you have to judge what is sore and what hurts.
So to wrap it up Eat well , sleep well and do your homework. The better you take care of yourself the better chance you give yourself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Bowling GREEN or How to recycle a Bowling Ball

While channel surfing the other day i ran across a documentary regarding the evils of plastic and where it ends up in the world. It got me wondering what or where a Resin or urathane ball goes to when it dies and if it is a landfill what i as a concerned citizen can do to lessen my carbon footprint in regards to bowling balls and how to recycle or to coin a phrase Upcycle . My crack team of reserchers have come up with a few options for those bowling balls and how to better be a green bowler and help save the planet one bowling ball at a time.

  • Add 10 more holes to it and use it on your desk as a pen an pencil holder

  • Paper Weight
  • Put a high gloss on it and use it as a garden gazing ball
  • Dril out the core and use it as a planter
  • Add a chain and use it as a Practice olympic hammer throw
  • Shave the top and bottom and ad mortar / cement and use it as a decorative feature in your garden
  • Drill a hole all the way through and stack on rebar post to use as a mailbox post
  • Small boat anchor

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bowling: Poor Man's Country Club

Three-time PBA Tour champion Andres Gomez has signed a deal with Turbo Bowling Accessories to join their Elite Franchise Player Staff.
The 42-year-old native of Colombia, will represent Turbo on both the PBA and World Bowling Tours. In addition to being a staff player, Gomez will also serve as Turbo's South and Central American Sales Manager. - See more at:…

Bowling NOT WAR!

I was scanning the news recently and after my third cup of coffee began to daydream about bowling and what we as a group could accomplish. I thought to myself bowling is more than just a recreation but has so much more to offer. After finishing my i believe fourth cup of java I put them in an article and now you can read my ramblings and tell me what you think.
Bowling can be used instead of war to solve global conflicts. Instead of spending billions upon billions to weaponize countries and inevitably destroy the countries and cost lives, why not hold a eliminator style tournament with the countries in the dispute , winner takes the prize. Everyone’s leader would be at the tournament with audiences from all the countries cheering them on or booing the others . It would make for great television and save countries from the ravages of warfare. They could sell television rights or perhaps a Pay per view like boxing and split the profits with all the countries involved, we had war on TV via the cable news channels, why not this way instead?
Bowling could help choose the next president of the USA. Imagine this a series of team tournaments for both parties, last team standing rolls off to determine the candidates. Those four will roll off at a neutral site , winners will be the next President and Vice- President of these United States. Perhaps we can televise it and have call in votes for the teams and do a compilation of both popular votes and winning teams .
Ok, maybe these are the ranting of a man who has had way too much caffeine. I am bothered by headlines that say Britney Spears is crowned champion of celebrity bowling hall of fame.  Really? Headlines like that or Jeff Bridges as “ The Dude “ defeats Bill Murray’s Ernie McCracken in the legacy portion of the tournament , bother me. Is this where we want our sport to go? Is this the best way to popularize our sport by crowning “ Popular “ celebrities that didn’t have to throw a single frame to gain that title? Two movies” The Big Lebowski” and “Kingpin” being what movies goers see us as bowlers. Is that what we really want.
Perhaps bowling can’t save the world , but what sport is better than being able to bowl just about anytime you want, in Vegas  you can bowl all night , with a beer or whatever adult beverage you please in your hand. Bowling in a team atmosphere builds friendship, a team work ethic and can be fun while competing . It is a night out with friends and a way to build new friendships. Support your local bowling center and Pro shop , it will help build the solid small business foundation of our economy. Support the charity tournaments locally and show everyone that we are not the “Dudes” or “Ernie’s” shown . We have passion and dedication and if we all choose to care we can grow our sport and look better as a sport and not a joke .
Get involved weather locally or nationally. Support bowling as a sport and a fun recreation as well

Build a bowling FENCE  

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's all in the mind!

In speaking with Chuck Mogavero of PBS pro shop in Kingman, AZ to get his take on bowling and the importance of being prepared. Chuck is no stranger to the PBA tour, as a former member, he has a very specific and enlightening view point on pro bowling. This is a very real conversation we had with him.
Chuck begins with: I have been bowling for 43 years, 5 of them on tour , 3 full time and several other leagues and tournaments. My father started me out when I was 7 years old . Sunday morning practice sessions and junior leagues followed .The only thing I knew was that I loved the game from the first year I started. I never averaged over 175 until I was 18 years of age . That’s when I met the best coach I have ever been associated with Wayne Zahn . He had the greatest natural ability and he took your game and improved it by taking what you did well and tweaking it and not changing so much you had to rebuild and all your natural ability was gone. Shortly thereafter honor scores came and tournament victories as well, just local stuff.
That’s when everything changed and the opportunity to go on the PBA tour arose. Biggest mistake my father and I ever made. However in 1985 it seemed like the right thing to do. At that time there weren’t any big money amateur tournaments . I don’t even know if collages had bowling programs back then. There wasn’t JBT or Team USA back then so if you had anything going you turned Pro. At age 22 I went out there and made the smooth transition from league bowler and sweeper winner to – touring pro. Yeah right, I thought my head was going to explode, that’s the one thing that saves your ass when you’re out there , I can attest to that, it was the weakest part of my game. If there’s one piece of advice I can give it’s this “ Don’t go anywhere near competing with the best in the world straight from your Thursday night beer fest”. Now a days there are so many things to do in junior competition and college bowling, you should take full advantage of them. They build your mind and self confidence. All in all, it wasn’t too bad. It could have been worse, a lot worse. I bowled in 112 national tournaments, I cashed in 48 of them and make 24 man match play in 30 of those. Highest finish I had was 7th and the most I made in a single year was just over $25,000. Just to make myself feel better, I took a look at the PGA golfer who finished at the same place on the money list that year – he made $465,000. Too bad my dad didn’t like golf. After I had decided to quit the tour, I took all of my equipment that I had and had won in the nearest dumpster. I didn’t bowl for over 7 years. When I picked it back up, that’s when I actually started having fun.
To make a long story a lot shorter, there’s two things that I would NOT change about the role bowling has played in my life. First, as a pro shop operator I really have the ability now to promote the sport. The proper fit helps every bowler enjoy the game without pain. The proper layout helps the competitive bowler get everything out of every piece of equipment they have Seeing both are very enjoyable for me. Secondly, I now have a son that is light years ahead of me in this game. Thankfully, he listens to me. I hope he gets all the junior and collegiate experience he can before he even tries to bowl professionally. You have to be extremely talented and mentally tough to compete with them, I wasn’t. I had no one around me who could understand or or help me with the situation at that time. I hope to be able to prepare my son to do whatever he has set his mind to do. The proper steps need to be taken. That’s the proper word – steps, stairs, don’t take the elevator like I did.
I know Chuck personally and he is a great guy. Chuck operates a pro shop along with Art Garcia. They both have first hand knowledge of the bowling circuit. Chuck is knowledgeable and will happily take the time to explain things, you only need to ask. You can contact Chuck Mogavero by e-mailing him The pro shop Professional Bowling Services or P.B.S is located in Cerbat Lanes in Kingman, AZ, stop by and say hi anytime.

Use old or worn out bowling balls for a garden divider