Monday, March 7, 2016

What happened to showmanship?

What happened to showmanship? According to the PBA it is ok for a 50 plus year old man to crotch chop, say Blow me on Television and other "SHOWY" actions but lets take a look at it. Other professionals have been fined for similar instances of SHOWMANSHIP . There needs to be a standard and it needs to be equal for all professionals. If ratings ( and you know thats the whole point ) is what you seek then let them be themselfs and just bowl, the " professional standards " that are on the book are old and antiquated. Do you think professional wrestling has those same standards? We tune in to watch bowling and in the course of a match if one uses a obsenity then so be it. If one bowler tells another one blow me then so what , it;'s no worse than we have all heard at the kocal bowling center. I know " but theres kids watching". If this is the worst that they have seen then they live a very sheltered lifa nad in a dark closed in box. We all want to get bowling especially on TV out of the dull , boring robot bowler and into a fresh REAL LIFE sport event. Perhaps just don't mic them and have the bleep button ready.

More uses for USED bowling balls Sustainability is the name of the game

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