Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Part 2 Year of the what.

The PBA seems to think they have a solution to the problem, it's now the year of the fan. Bowling mostly competitive bowling is suffering from anemia.  As a fan what do I get, watch a guy only bowl 8 games ? No autograph session , no meet and greet and no pro am . As a kid I waited for February and the Miller High Life at Wonderbowl Anaheim,  took all year to save for the pro am and then wait outside the bowl before the show just to get in and a chance to meet someone, now days it's like a chore for some of these "pros" to take just a minute to meet and talk. Where are the Pro Am's where is this year of the fan , make us want to be fans again.

More USES for old bowling balls . An ARTSY use

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