Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The reason I chose my blog title

LOXAHATCHEE, Fla. - A man upset that his house was in foreclosure planted a bomb inside and set the residence on fire, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies say that Tyler Butler intentionally set the fire at his home in the 15000 block of 85th Road Sunday night. 

While firefighters were putting out the blaze they noticed what appeared to be a possible explosive device.

The PBSO Bomb Squad was called in and deputies say they found a bowling ball that had been rigged to explode.

Butler, according to investigators, poured gunpowder into the three finger holes, added firearm cartridges and inserted a rope to be used as a fuse.

Deputies say that he set the fire so that the bank that foreclosed the home could not resell it and he used the bowling ball bomb to prevent anyone from entering the home.

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